Varela is an ambassador of entrepreneurship and directed the Center for the Development of the Entrepreneurial Spirit, CDEE, for more than 40 years. Also, he was a pioneer of entrepreneurship at the academic level and promoted economic transformation in Colombia. Varela, a chemical engineer, was recognized as professor emeritus by the University of Icesi. In addition to all his achievements at an academic, professional, social and civic level, he has published more than 190 scientific articles and 13 textbooks on various topics such as business innovation, business development, project management, among others.
Professor Emeritus Rodrigo Varela excellently exposes the topic The Business Leader (El Líder Empresarial in Spanish). In a few words, it manages to present a profile of a leader with a business vision. In a dynamic, interesting, and contemporary way, he describes, in his own words, the essence of the leader and the importance of his entrepreneurial mindset.